Decisions of Life

What do you do when you have a huge decision to make and you've already made up your mind, and had it made up for months, but then that changes and you're back to square one?  I've been having a lot of trouble this week with this decision that I must make, and I was excited that I had finally made it.  I was happy and excited and at peace, but then somehow, that all changed this week and I'm back to second guessing.  So I guess my question is, how do you make your decision when you know you'll have mixed emotions no matter which way you decide?

It's really taken a lot out of me, so I've been trying really hard to find peace in the little everyday moments.  I've always loved watching the sunset, ever since I can remember.  There's just something otherworldly about watching the way the sun paints the sky as it sinks down over the horizon.  In more recent years, whenever I need a moment of peace from the chaos of the day or stress of life, I always look at the sunset and immediately feel that everything is going to be OK.  I think it's because no matter where I am, I can look at the sun and it reminds me of Siesta Key, which has alway been where I've felt most relax and at peace with life.  There is truly something healing about the ocean and the sand.  This week, I've seen the most beautiful sunset over the pond by my work, and I saw the prettiest moon when I headed off to work the next morning.  Seeing these overwhelmingly beautiful celestial phenomenons just help to remind me that the world is a vast expanse and no matter what problems or decisions, no matter how big or small, good or bad, life is an incredible gift.

But no matter what curve balls
life throws, I know that I am truly blessed.  As I was heading into teach my class Wednesday night, I saw the cutest old couple walking out to their car holding hands.  They must have been in their mid-to-late 70s and it was so beautiful to see how in love they still are.  I wish I had asked to take their picture, but that is a moment that will remained stamped in my mind for years to come.  I also have one patron who thanked me on her last day of coming to my class for inspiring her.  I've never had anyone say that to me before and it was such an incredible feeling to know that I helped someone feel good about themselves and to inspire them to keep reaching to their goals.  As a thank you, she gave me these cards with these incredible photos that she has taken from Alaska, Maine, zoos, etc.  She's an amateur photographer, and while I think that she would be able to be a professional, she decided not to go into it professionally because she just loves it as a hobby.  I love that she does something for the sole reason that she loves it, and not for monetary gain or to obtain praise and approval from other people.  Kristi is a sweet lady and I'll miss having her in my class, but I've learned so much from her as a person.

I've always found that getting mail has also just added a little brightness to the long as it's not bills, as I've found in these later years.  But it always makes my day when I get something in the mail, no matter if it's something I ordered, or someone has sent me.  There's this artist I follow on Facebook who has the most incredible artwork.  I actually came across Tim Shumate through Pinterest when looking at Disney Princess artwork.  Yes, I do still love my Disney Princesses and that will never change.  But he did this incredible shirt of Captain America (who I find to be very noble and such a great role model), so when I saw it was on sale, I decided to order it for my brother and myself.  I've been so excited to receive it, so when it came in this week, I just had to have a Steve Rogers appreciation day.   As I said, I think he is a great role model and is very noble.  I've always found him to be one of my favorite superheroes because as a solider, he completely embodies this dying idea of what America is.  It's about doing what is right, no matter the consequences and putting the well-being of others and society above your own in an effort to create a better world to leave for future generations. He lives by this incredibly noble code, and knows that sometimes the right thing is the hardest thing you'll ever have to do.

But beyond a simple shirt, I find that homemade gifts are sometimes the absolute best ones because someone actually goes out of their way to hand-craft a present for you.  Just take a minute to think about that.  Not only do they come up with the idea, but they take the time and effort to put their love and care into that gift.  My dear friend Erin, who lives in Chicago, sent me a homemade candle this week.  It's a soothing rosemary-mint, and because she is a classy lady, it came complete in a champagne flute.  It's these simple gestures that make me appreciate life.  The big, grand gestures are memorable and yes, they do make for exciting times....but it is these little moments, the hard decisions; these are what make like worth living and make you come alive.


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