Oh Saturday, My Saturday

Saturdays are great for two things:

1.) Laying in bed all day reading books while drinking coffee and snuggling with your dog.
2.) Getting things done.

I usually like to spend my days in the first category because let's face it, it's winter and I really try not to go outside unless I absolutely have to.  I really don't understand why I live in a state where the weather hurts my face when the wind blows. Also, there's just something about the cold weather that makes spending a day with a book that much better, but even though I read all the time, I still feel like it's never enough.  But mostly, snuggling with my dog is my most favorite past-time....and I think I have separation anxiety if I'm away from him for too long to be quite honest.  Like I said, Saturdays are great for two things, and while I typically save the second category of Saturdays for more of the Spring/Summer months when it's actually bearable to be outside, today was the latter, and I couldn't have asked for a better day with my mom, despite the cold.  The sun was shining bright and the air was fresh, and I'll admit that it's nice to get out every once in awhile after being cooped up, so it was time to put my big girl pants on and get to work.

A couple of years ago, I decided that I would give it a go at trying to run a 5k, and naturally I picked "The Color Run".  Why, you ask?  Well, I absolutely loathe running, so I figured that if people were throwing colored, powdered dye on me, I might find that fun and forget the fact that I'm running.  So giving this new endeavor everything I've got, I decided that I should be fitted for running shoes properly at Up and Running.  While I decided that running is still not my thing (although now that "The Color Run" will have glitter added this year, I may give it another go), I decided I will never just buy my gym shoes from a department store.  They take the time to actually measure your feet properly and watch your gait and your ankles to see if you pronate or supinate as you walk/run and they keep that information on file for future reference.  If you have one in your vicinity, I highly recommend that you stop in and see what it's about.

Now, I know they say you're supposed to get new gym shoes every 3-6 months, but they're a bit pricey, I've got student loans I'm still paying off, and I can always seem to find something I don't really need at Target, so getting new gym shoes haven't been a priority.  If it weren't for the fact that I was starting to wear holes in them, I probably would have held off longer.  But be that as it may,  I decided it was time, and since my mom needed to go to the grocery next door, she decided to tag along, and she was as impressed as the first time I went.  Everyone in the store is awesome but our sales rep Margaret was super knowledgable and so nice, and I mean, even though I'm a Marvel girl myself, anyone that can make a "Green Lantern" reference with my shoes is A-OK in my book.

{Mama getting fitted for her new sneaks.}  
{Look at these beauties!}

With new shoes in tow, it was off to DLM we went, and my God, what is it with everyone being complete nuts-os when it comes to shopping before some type of holiday or Super Bowl? I mean, my mom was getting stuff for a party she was attending tonight, so yeah we too waited until the last minute, but seriously people, there is absolutely no need to run others down with your carts.  After we got home without a scratch and in decent time, I decided that since I was movin' and shakin' to get things done, I thought I would play a little Martha and do some baking.  But since I needed to wait until my mom was finished with the kitchen, I got some one-on-one with my favorite guy, Andy, which means giving him a bath because otherwise he'd would hanging out with my dad. 

{Seriously, how can you not love this face?}

With the bubs all clean and smelling fresh, it was time to get my baking on.  Now, I do love to bake, and even though I don't bake as often as I would like, there is one thing that is a necessity when I bake: Taylor Swift.  What can I say, I just like to shake it off while I bake it off...ehehehe, sorry for being punny. :o)  Anyway, as I was saying, there is nothing like a good jam sesh while baking, which consisted of making Coffee Cake with Crumble Topping and Brown Sugar Glaze for breakfast tomorrow.  Now, I will be upfront, the batter was absolutely to die for.  I don't ever taste test while I bake. Ever. And I usually don't eat the final product because by the time it's finished baking, I'm so tired of looking at it.  However, because it was a new recipe I was trying out, I decided to indulge a little, and holy hell, if the batter is that good, I can't wait to taste it in the morning.  But have no fear, I will give my full report tomorrow.


{Tip:  Make sure to use a bigger bowl when making the crumble top.  Also, forks work better than a whisk!}


To top off this super productive day: a dinner of sushi and crab rangoon complete with a Thai Tea!
{I could eat sushi every day.}

And what's better than a productive day, than to spend your evening curled up with you're best friend? Nothing.


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