Dad, Not Diamonds, is a Girl's Best Friend

With Valentine's Day being yesterday, and his birthday this past Monday, I want to take a moment to talk about my dad.  It is said that the first man a little girl falls in love with is her daddy, and I find this couldn't be more true.  If you ever get the chance to know my dad, then consider yourself lucky, and if you don't, well then, you're missing out.   I know a lot of people say that growing up, they could tell their parents anything, and while I do find that to be somewhat true, for me it was always different.  Most people could go to their mom first, but for me, I seemed to always go to my dad first and I think that is because my dad and I are so similar, that I always felt he would understand where I was coming from.

I mean, obviously any girly advice, I would go straight to mama, but any big scared-shitless moments such as getting in trouble or being afraid of letting my parents down, or even taking big chances, I would always go to him first.  And maybe that's because subconsciously I knew I was daddy's little girl and no matter what, he would understand.  He's unequivocally honest and gives his opinion unabashedly.  He's taught me how a man should treat a woman, and to always stand up for myself.  He's kind, yet fierce; protective, but taught me to fend for myself.
He's taught me how to fish and cook and shares my love for the outdoors.  He's not afraid to be a geeky goofball, but when he is serious, he can be a force to be reckoned with.  It's funny, because I had this friend in high school who always told me that my dad scared him.  When I asked him why, he responded "Well, he sits there with that mustache, and you just can't tell what he's thinking."  I guess I never thought of this, because he's my dad and he is one of the most loving people that I know.  I'm so lucky to have a guy who didn't really know what to do with a girl, but with my mom, raised me into the woman I am today.  From them, I've learned to be compassionate and respectful.  To love life and to go for your dreams, and to know that you deserve the best in your life, and to never settle with something that makes you unhappy.

But I think any father-figure is a girl's best friend, and I've been lucky to have two of the greatest grandfathers.  Unfortunately my Grandpa passed away when I was in fifth grade, but he was one special man.  He had the greatest sense of humor and would constantly crack jokes.  He also appreciated the finer things in life, which he passed on to me, and was one of my biggest supporters of my dance career.  He enjoyed antiquing and collected stamps, which is where I think I get my love of antiquing and collecting coffee mugs from.  I still remember going to antique shops with him in search for books or stamps and it is because of him, I have an appreciation for old things.  I can also thank him for my obsession with coffee and champagne, as he was the first person to give me a taste of both...albeit he did so waaaaaay before any little girl should have either.  I miss him dearly and wish that he were still around to see me attempt my acting career and just be around for every day life, but I am thankful for the time I had with him, because that is more than some people get.
{Papaw (middle) when stationed in Germany}
But I am still very lucky that I have my Papaw around, and still working at 84 years young, he has shown me what hard work means.  And while I do wish my Grandpa could see me pursuing my dreams, my Papaw is my biggest supporter besides my parents and brother of chasing my dreams.  He is always so excited when I have an audition and it is because of him and his work ethic that I continue to pursue my dreams.  Like my dad, my Papaw is a tough cookie, but he is such a sweetheart and the cutest old man.  I have him to thank for my love of traveling and looking and learning about my heritage.

Out of all of my grandparents, I probably know more about his side of the family and where we come from...although with the last name "Sherwood" I guess it's not that hard to figure out if you're familiar with Robin Hood.  He is also the reason that I love music from the 40s and also fuels my love of old architecture and artifacts.  He, along with my grandma, are the reasons why I love southern cooking, and having cereal for dessert after dinner.  If you have never had it, I highly recommend trying biscuits with butter and brown sugar.  To this day, it is the only way that I'll eat biscuits.  He is also one of the most devoted and loving people, and I'm so thankful that he is around today.  He is always so protective of family and put our needs above his own, and takes joy in the simplest things in life.  So whoever said that "Diamonds are a girl's best friend" was absolutely wrong.  I would take any one of these men over diamonds any day.


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