The Final Speech

A week ago Thursday I concluded my tenure as the head coach and cheerleading coordinator for my high school.   Coming face to face with the ending of something you love and have nurtured for ten years tends to cause a myriad of emotions: sadness, ecstasy, bittersweetness, terror.  But what I never expected was a feeling of complete calming peace.  I was surprised and shocked at this revelation because to be quite honest I wasn't sure how I would take my retirement.  I have put my heart and soul into that program and it has been my world for the past ten years, even though it hasn't always been easy.  At our end of season banquet, I gave my final speech with advice and life lessons that I have learned...lessons that I wanted to share in an ever changing society that demands our seclusion from people in an attempt to cage us in social media...and yes I see the irony.  There is so much that I wanted to say to those girls, and so much that I still wish to say, so below is an excerpt from that speech, but I have added lessons that I still wish to pass on:

"As you all move onto the next chapters of your life, I wish to impart the same wisdom that I hope you remember, because this is life and advice that I’ve experienced. And underclassmen, listen up because this is for you as well.  Life is not about the awards you’ve won, the positions you’ve held, or possessions you acquire.  In the end, those don’t matter.  What matters most in this world are the memories you make, the type of person you are, and leaving this world as a better place than when you came into it.  Smile often and don’t worry if you have absolutely no idea what you want to do with your life…Spoiler alert, most adults still have no idea what they’re doing with their lives.  If you’re worried about failing, don’t be.  Failure is inevitable and is an invaluable part of life.  It is the best, and sometimes only, way we truly learn.  So please, please, please do fail, and when you do (because everyone fails at some point in their life), do so spectacularly, eat some ice cream, then get back up and try again.  I promise it won’t be the end of the world.  Don’t get so caught up in your future and career path that you forget to enjoy the little things in life.  Take time to appreciate a pretty flower or an insanely good cup of coffee.  Spend time with your grandparents as you won’t regret it, and make sure to love your dog or cat or whatever pet you may own, with your whole heart.  They are only on this earth for a short time, and while they are here, you are their whole world.  Watch the sunrise and sunset, and be present in the moment, PUT DOWN YOUR PHONES…don’t just let those small wonderments pass you by.  Continue to further your education even after college, whether it’s learning a new language or teaching yourself an instrument.  Further your vocabulary and if you ever get wanderlust, heed it. Travel anywhere and everywhere and do it often.  Live on the beach, get lost in a city, try new places and things even if it scares you.  The world is a beautiful place and we were not meant to be stationary creatures.  Take the time to do and like what makes your soul happy, no matter what others think.  Don’t lose your creativity, for without it, life will be utterly boring.  Never be embarrassed by your parents or afraid to confide in them.  They will support you, fight for you, love you, and always give you the honest truth in a world where honesty is fleeting.  And above all, become a priority in your own life.  Help others, but It’s OK to be selfish every now and then.  Don’t be afraid to take chances, for taking chances is far better than a life full of regretful “I wish I had”s.  So go live, and as you do so, know that I wish you all the very best in your future endeavors!"

I know it's hard, but don't pass judgement on other have no idea the battles they may be facing.  Wake up everyday with a smile on your face, you'll be amazed at how wonderful your day will continue to be.  Don't sleep with make up on, and make sure to wear your sunscreen. Your skin and complexion will thank you for it.  Take care of your teeth--this includes flossing.  Don't be afraid to try new experiences and meet people out of your comfort and friend never know the adventures that await.  Don't let your friends pressure you into decisions or situations you aren't comfortable with, and if they won't back down, then they aren't really a friend or the type of person you need in your life.  DO NOT EVER DRINK AND DRIVE! OR RIDE WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN DRINKING!  Call me if you need.  Or call your parents.  It is far better for them to be angry and ground you than to have them identify your body at the morgue.  Be the absolute best version of yourself every day, but don't be afraid to show emotion.  Don't let people take advantage of your kindness.  Listen to music every day and learn to make insanely great playlists....there is no better way to channel your emotions.  Learn to cook.  You should be able to be self-sufficient and not rely on takeout (really it does get expensive).  Learn to bake, you never know when you'll want some cookies.  Exercise. Start now and don't ever me, you'll thank me after college.  Learn to change your oil and balance your checkbook.  Don't be adverse to is how we grow and learn substance.  Keep your nativity and childlike wonder as long as possible.  Too often we grow up too fast, even though we have our whole lives to be adults.  Run barefoot in the rain and dance with lightening bugs.  Spend every moment you can outside, and gaze at the really is incredible how small we truly are and we take the constellations for granted. Take naps when you need them, but don't spend all your time taking them...there is so much in life that you will miss out on if you just sleep it away.  Don't run away from conflict, but rather learn to deal with difficult people and situations.  If you aren't willing to fight for your own beliefs, then what will you fight for?  Step outside your safety can be baby steps, but do it.  I know it will be scary, but there will always be someone to hold your hand and pick you up if needed.  So my final piece of advice I would like you to remember is to always live boldly, have courage, stay humble, and be kind.  That is the greatest recipe for success in life.  

And again, the last thing I can simply say is Thank You.  Thank you for letting me grow and learn with you.  Thank you for letting me try new things and for bearing with me in my trials, failures, and successes.  Thank you for embracing me and my flaws and still allowing me to mentor you.  Thank you for listening to me, questioning me, and sometimes following me blindly into new adventures.  Thank you for having faith in me.  Thank you for embracing me into each of your families and for creating our wonderful little cheer family.  But mostly, thank you for allowing me to be your coach, it has truly been a privilege.  And in the wise words of Winnie the Pooh, "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."  Thank you, I love you, and God Bless!


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