
Showing posts from February, 2015

Dad, Not Diamonds, is a Girl's Best Friend

With Valentine's Day being yesterday, and his birthday this past Monday, I want to take a moment to talk about my dad.  It is said that the first man a little girl falls in love with is her daddy, and I find this couldn't be more true.  If you ever get the chance to know my dad, then consider yourself lucky, and if you don't, well then, you're missing out.   I know a lot of people say that growing up, they could tell their parents anything, and while I do find that to be somewhat true, for me it was always different.  Most people could go to their mom first, but for me, I seemed to always go to my dad first and I think that is because my dad and I are so similar, that I always felt he would understand where I was coming from. I mean, obviously any girly advice, I would go straight to mama, but any big scared-shitless moments such as getting in trouble or being afraid of letting my parents down, or even taking big chances, I would always go to him first.  And mayb

Decisions of Life

What do you do when you have a huge decision to make and you've already made up your mind, and had it made up for months, but then that changes and you're back to square one?  I've been having a lot of trouble this week with this decision that I must make, and I was excited that I had finally made it.  I was happy and excited and at peace, but then somehow, that all changed this week and I'm back to second guessing.  So I guess my question is, how do you make your decision when you know you'll have mixed emotions no matter which way you decide? It's really taken a lot out of me, so I've been trying really hard to find peace in the little everyday moments.  I've always loved watching the sunset, ever since I can remember.  There's just something otherworldly about watching the way the sun paints the sky as it sinks down over the horizon.  In more recent years, whenever I need a moment of peace from the chaos of the day or stress of life, I always

Snowmaged-done and Gone

So much for snowmageddon eh?  I think being a meteorologist is probably the one job that has the most job security....because it seems it doesn't matter how wrong you are, you can just blame it on the weather being super unpredictable.  Interesting how that works.  And while I'm not a fan of winter, I would like one of the major snow falls that we used to get when I was little.  There's just something cozy about being snowed in.  Unless your power goes out like ours did today.  Then I'm glad snowmageddon didn't happen, although snuggling in your bed to stay warm does make for the perfect nap.  And no one can judge you because it's too dark to do anything, but even if they do judge you, who cares?  I am a firm believer in naps. But before the power outage, my breakfast of crumb cake was thoroughly enjoyed.  It was so incredibly delicious, and it actually reminded me of the old-fashioned crumb cake that Starbucks used to serve.  If I ever do get around to ope

Oh Saturday, My Saturday

Saturdays are great for two things: 1.) Laying in bed all day reading books while drinking coffee and snuggling with your dog. 2.) Getting things done. I usually like to spend my days in the first category because let's face it, it's winter and I really try not to go outside unless I absolutely have to.  I really don't understand why I live in a state where the weather hurts my face when the wind blows. Also, there's just something about the cold weather that makes spending a day with a book that much better, but even though I read all the time, I still feel like it's never enough.  But mostly, snuggling with my dog is my most favorite past-time....and I think I have separation anxiety if I'm away from him for too long to be quite honest.  Like I said, Saturdays are great for two things, and while I typically save the second category of Saturdays for more of the Spring/Summer months when it's actually bearable to be outside, today was the latter,