Dad, Not Diamonds, is a Girl's Best Friend
With Valentine's Day being yesterday, and his birthday this past Monday, I want to take a moment to talk about my dad. It is said that the first man a little girl falls in love with is her daddy, and I find this couldn't be more true. If you ever get the chance to know my dad, then consider yourself lucky, and if you don't, well then, you're missing out. I know a lot of people say that growing up, they could tell their parents anything, and while I do find that to be somewhat true, for me it was always different. Most people could go to their mom first, but for me, I seemed to always go to my dad first and I think that is because my dad and I are so similar, that I always felt he would understand where I was coming from. I mean, obviously any girly advice, I would go straight to mama, but any big scared-shitless moments such as getting in trouble or being afraid of letting my parents down, or even taking big chances, I would always go to him first. ...