The End of an Era...
I've been on a two month hiatus because I have felt like I'm going through a quarter-life crisis. When I was younger, I never thought that I would be where I currently am in life, and it has caused me to have a bit of a meltdown. When I was younger, I always thought I'd meet my husband in college (which I honestly thought I had), figure out my career, date said husband for 2 years, graduate college, be engaged for a year, get married at 24 (because that always seemed super old), have kids at 26, and still maintaining my career....but in all that planning, I never seemed to look past the having kids part, because I never really thought about being older than that. Not in like a morbid way that I thought I would die, I just never looked past my immediate "goals" that I had. Now that I'm past everyone of those goals and none of them have come to pass, I have been having a bit of an identity crisis and am constantly asking myself "What the hell am I doing with my life"...and at 27 I'm still struggling to figure out what I want to do with my life. I know that life never turns out how you expect, but that's what life is about and I'm slowly learning take things one day and one problem at a time.
But in the midst of all that has been going on and of all the uncertainty going on in my life, there is one thing I am absolutely certain of and that is this will be my 10th and final year of coaching high school cheerleading. I started out coaching straight out of high school, and I thought I would only do it for a year or two, but like I said, life is unpredictable and I never would have thought that I would coach for a decade. Looking back, it is incredible because it feels like it's only been a blink of an eye. It has been an absolutely incredible ride and I am so blessed to have had this opportunity. I have always put this program and these girls before myself and my career because I think it is important to teach that high school is only a small portion of life, and life gets so much better beyond those four years. I know high school is hard and sometimes the small and petty moments seem life-ending, but you survive and are stronger because of those moments. You learn that you are getting older and have to make tough decisions and that there are consequences to your actions, whether they are good or bad. It has been so rewarding and I have learned so much from every single girl I have met, and I can only hope and pray that I have taught them something to take with them in life. This has been a decision that has been 3 years in the making, and while I am sad to be saying goodbye to a huge part of my life, I believe I have done and taught all that I can, and it is time to move forward with my future. This year will be filled with a lot of ends for me and while it's a bittersweet ending to an incredible career, I'm excited to see what my future holds.
I have met so many incredible people, and there are not enough thanks in the world for everyone who has made this an unbelievable 10 years. So all I can simply say is Thank You.
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