
Showing posts from January, 2016

Healthy Body. Healthy Mind. Healthy Soul.

Eight months is a long time to be away.  I've never liked making resolutions.  Resolutions means that you are aiming to resolve something wrong with you and there is nothing wrong with you.  So instead, I've decided to make new goals this year.  The past year and a half, I've been striving to make my life the happiest and healthiest I've ever been.  I did really well for a year, but I was focused on only the physical aspect.  What I have failed to realize is that mental health is just as important.  I've never been one to show my emotions or feelings.  It makes me feel uncomfortable so I've always "suffered in silence" if you will.  Even typing this now is hard on me.  I think it's because I never want to burden anyone and my problems always seem so small in comparison to other people.  So I've always pushed my feelings and thoughts aside and suppressed what I was feeling and tell myself that it didn't happen or I'm making a big deal o