
Showing posts from January, 2015

Downtown Revisited

When I was little, I had this baby sitter whom my brother and I called Grandma Betty.  She wasn't our actual grandma, but because she also watched her grandkids and that's what they called her, we just joined in the fun.  In all the time that she watched us, she never drove. Whether or not that's because she never learned or she didn't like it, I never knew; but she never let that stop her from taking us on special outings.  Probably one of my earliest memories, I remember she would gather us up and we would take the bus downtown and she would get us lunch at Subby's (cookie included) and then we used to walk around, always taking the time to stop in front of  The Victoria Theater.  While taking dance classes growing up, I always looked forward to those trips because that was my favorite stop.  But I always remember the bustle and noise and thought how cool downtown was.   Throughout middle and high school, the economy declined and downtown seemed to be steadil